Questions & Answers

My car not start

0 votes
When I installed and programmed my Eco all on my Camry Hybrid 201, the dashboard light come on but the engine didn't start. The dashboard light goes off when I opened the door. Any help I will appreciate it. Thanks
asked Dec 27, 2017 in Toyota by Yusuf Koroma (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Your vehicle is a hybrid, the vehicle will decide if it need to start the engine or not. If the READY is lit during remote start, it is working.

The READY and ignition will turn off when a door is open, this is normal operation.
answered Dec 27, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
The ready didn't lit that's why I said the car didn't start. Any solution pls. The dashboard continues to light on
Perform a master reset and reprogram :

Disconnect power connector
Hold programming button, reconnect power and release button when RED led is on.
Press and hold again programming button until all 3 led cycle.
Keep holding until blue LED is ON (alone) and release
Turn ignition ON, wait for blue to flash
Turn ignition OFF and retry starting the vehicle
I did as u said, but now my car dashboard didn't lit again
Any response please, now my car dashboard didn't lit anymore after programmed as directed by u.