Questions & Answers

I need to know options programming Evo One for my car.

0 votes
I have Toyota Sienna 2014 Push-to-start and I need to know options I have to program with FLU.
asked Jan 24, 2017 in Toyota by igor Grigorev (130 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Just D6 on the bypass side, as well as firmware 79.25 or higher.
answered Jan 24, 2017 by Mike M (9,800 points)
+1 vote
If doing 3x lock enable option C1 and 38.2
answered Jan 24, 2017 by derek g (357,480 points)
It will be good if you send me all programming functions. Thanks.
If doing 3x lock enable option C1 and 38.2.

Push-to-start also enable option D6.
I did how you said but no way. Remote start doesn't work.
What does the module/vehicle do when you try to remote start the vehicle?
Hi Derek. When I push lock button I see blue light on the module but after that do nothing. No ignition, no attempt to start. I programmed module according your recomendation but .....I checked all wires and connectors and I guess that module doesnt work.
did you cut the yellow wire on the back of the evo-oone?

does the red led turn on?

if the vehicle does not remote start, the parking lights will flash X amount times (if they are connected) to help diagnos where the issue is. How many times they flash?

does ignition turn on but the car does not crank?
Yes I cut yellow wire because it automatically transmission. But  is not blinking red or orange led. And not flash parking lights. I have an experience to insall Fortin but I see such problem first time. I want  to change module. Thank you for help.