Questions & Answers

INT-SL+ not programming on Chrysler

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I purchased a INT-SL+ to install with my Evo-One on my 2003 Chrysler 300m since it needs a compatible bypass. I connected everything and the remote start works but it shuts down almost instantly after starting due to not detecting the transponder. When I program the INT-SL+, it flashed 2 times then turn off (I tried letting it sit for 60 seconds like it says in the guide). It seems like it doesn't bypass the transponder since I can start the car remotely if my key is in the cylinder, even in the off position, as long as the key is there. The bypass unit has power, led turns on when programming and seems to program, but it doesn't work.
posté depuis 3 heures dans la catégorie Chrysler par Nathan Lafrenière-Racine (190 points)

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