Questions & Answers

Red car with lock light on dashboard is on solid during remote start and wont go out after key takeover

0 votes
This is a 2019 impreza with a standard key, the light does function properly with just the key....
asked Sep 20, 2020 in Subaru by neil jordan (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
In the installation there is a connection for SECURITY LED. This connection is the one used to turn off this red lock light.
answered Sep 21, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I have the 2 wires hooked up, I will double check to verify the are connected on the proper side of the cut wire. I also found a comment suggesting to add a 5k ohm resistor to the green/white wire and ground the other end of the resistor. Can you verify if that is a possible fix.. thanks
Pull down resistor could be needed but verify the orientation of the wires first. And that the proper wire was actually used on the car.  Easy enough to test, without the 20-pin connector connected on the EVO, the security led will simply never be on.
Well guess what the wires were backwards, switched then around everything works great.... thanks