Questions & Answers

2015 Mazda CX-5 - Evo One and Thar-one-maz3 Turn Signals not working

0 votes
EVO-ONE and THAR-ONE-MAZ3 installed and remote starts with no issue.

When unlocking the vehicle, the turn signals blink but will not turn on when activating the hazards or using the turn signals. Additionally, the heater will turn on, but the fan speed can not be adjusted.

These issues persist regardless of being remote started or started as normal. I'm not sure if it matters, but the current remote start procedure is set to lock-unlock-lock.
asked Feb 1, 2020 in Mazda by Chris Rutter (130 points)
recategorized Feb 1, 2020 by Chris Rutter

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you connect  parking lights?
answered Feb 3, 2020 by derek g (357,480 points)
No, I didn't. It was my understanding that wiring the parking lights was an option for displaying system status through a series of blinks. Is this not the case?.

The lights blink proplerly when unlocking the vehicle and turn on with the headlights, just don't indicate when using the turn signal.

Thank you for the response.
If parking lights were not connected then im not sure why you are experiencing the issue.


Verify the connectors are properly seated.


If it displays the issue when the evo is off then it is not coming from the evo.
The issue is not displayed when the Evo is off, as when I use the key fob to unlock the car, the parking lights flash.

If I need to connect optional parking light wires, I certainly will, but I want to be sure that they are required before cutting into factory wiring.

Are the parking lights/ turn signals processed as a canbus output by the Evo? It was understanding that they are, as that is why the parking light wire is optional on the THAR-MAZ3 harness.

I will verify that the connections are properly seated this evening, but are there any other issues that could be causing this?

Thanks again for the help.

"Are the parking lights/ turn signals processed as a canbus output by the Evo? "

- No. parking lights are only control when you wire them in. If the connection was not made we have no influence over them. We do not interface with the turn signals in any way shape or form. 


OK perfect. Thank you!