Questions & Answers

rm 942 rf kit with 4 button remote will only start and shut down the car what am i missing to control locks etc?

0 votes
i have a 2010 nissan murano and last xmas i installed the evo all with the t-harness successfully. I just installed the rf kit RM942 with one 4 button remote. the factory remote still works as it should and starts the vehicle as well. the 942 remote will only start and stop the engine but will not lock/unlock the doors or open/close the trunk.

I did update the firmware and set the H2 option for the rf kit. what did i miss?

thank you for your help

asked Dec 26, 2019 in Nissan by jason faille (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Look at the install guide you have to wire in A4and A5 to the empty pins at the bcm
answered Dec 26, 2019 by Mike M (9,800 points)
Yes your right! I didn't wire those to in. Thank you for the quick response!