Questions & Answers

Trouble programming Evo One for 2015 CRV PTS

0 votes
2015 CRV PTS. Stuck at step 5 no yellow or blue rapid flash after double PTS press.


Thank you
asked Dec 13, 2018 in Honda by BRYAN MEISTER (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Verify light blue/black wire, if yellow does not flash, we don't detect data on wire.
answered Dec 13, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Thank you for the quick reply!

I will check on this tonight. I also noticed that simply pluggin in the T-Harness (before pluggin the starte module) the card wont start and the green key blinks on the dash. Is this an indication of a wiring harness issue? Should the car function like normal once just the T-Harness is plugged in?
Did you ever get this figured out? With the T-Harness was it simply flashing, programming and plug n play? Have a possible one coming in and saw the t-harness option and was thinking if it saves a bit of time, why not then. Will a person need both of the harnesses on the 2015 CR-V with push to start?