Questions & Answers

Why won't the vehicle sense tach on network?

0 votes
Wired system and programmed bypass without issue. When using the 3x remote start function, vehicle powers on and give no-tach flash code. How do I configure the tach on the Spark?
asked Nov 3, 2018 in Chevrolet by Steven McMillin (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is a random issue with GM vehicles that sound like the problem you are having. A technical agent must assist you to troubleshoot. Give a call to technical support.
answered Nov 6, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)

I have the same problem on my Opel Insignia from 2014. Wired system and programmed bypass without issue. The car ignition goes on but no crank. The module 3x red no tach. The immobilizer light is on. Guide #72981 .What did i miss?
