Questions & Answers

2017 cx-5 cant get past solid blue light to program keys

0 votes
I have the mazda t harness and the two wires installed for the lock data, and the key data. I can not get the module past the programing section where i hold up the key to the start button. the unit just stays lit up blue as if waiting for the data key information. I tired many times etc and its all the same every time. it wont recognize the keys. I tried taking the batteries out as well. I tripple checked my connectons and colors multiple times for the two wires and nothing. Yes my module is up to date. 71.46 hardware 6
asked Sep 16, 2018 in Mazda by candice holovich (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
WHat is the guide number you are using ? Which t-harness are you using ?
answered Sep 17, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)