Questions & Answers

Does evo all lose programming if unplugged?

0 votes
Installed evo all with autopage remote start, i already had a remote start installed but replaced it, i took out evo all for about a week i don't know if i have to reprogram it or if something is lose, remote start will work but next day it will start a shut off in about 5sec, i will relearn the tach and it will work again. Will wire to wire just for tach help? Can i check if evo all is putting out tach signal?
asked Jun 25, 2018 in Honda by julio pelayo (1,650 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Yes you can check the evo to see if it is outputting tach.


With a multimeter probe the tach wire on the evo, you should see a voltage drop when starting the vehicle.


answered Jun 26, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)
selected Jun 26, 2018 by julio pelayo
Should i update evo all to latest version? Guide i used shows ground while running connected new guide doesn't , its in dotted line. If i update evo do i need to disconnect the gwr wire? Also will tach wire work w2w in data mode? Remote starter is set to tach data mode should I change it to tach mode? 2013 civic
you should not need to update the evo.
Thank you for your reply
+1 vote
If reprogramming tach on your autopage fix, the issue, the autopage is losing tach programming when it's disconnected. You should contact autopage.
answered Jun 26, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)