Questions & Answers


0 votes
2004 chevrolet silverado. Installion went good, wire to wire, but the vehicle won't stay running once remote start command, just starts and dies after a second with the security light flashing.
asked Apr 29, 2018 in Chevrolet by Dennis Buckhurst (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Has tach been properly programmed to the vehicle?

When you remote start the car what does the led on the passlock do?


Does the truck ever exibit the same symptom when started with the key?
answered Apr 30, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)
The remote start procedure was completed. While programming the passlock I noticed it flashed 5 times. Truck starts perfect with key. When the truck is remote activated prior to passlock install the security light would come on and the truck would stall leading me to the passlock install.

When you remote start the car what does the led on the passlock sl2v2 do?

Stays on.
What should it do?
it should turn on and stay on as you indicate.
if you ground the ground out on the sl2v2 manually then initiate remote start what happens?
Same thing. Lights stays on
Might be best at this point to contact tech support. Be sure to have access to the vehicle and module as well as a multimeter for testing.


Mon-Fri 8-6 est
