Questions & Answers

Stand alone remote start function not working 2015 Jeep Wrangler

0 votes
EVO CHRT5.  connected yellow wires.  Did not connect purple wire.  Flashed module to recommended firmware 74-32.  followed instructions,  Moduled flashed blue, flashed rapidly etc.  Blue light turned off when hit factory remote lock button.  But car will not start when pressing lock three times.  Nothing lights up on the dash.  I notice the factory red LED is flashing on the dash for the factory alarm the entire time but not sure that means anything.  The Options selected are all A1 to A11 ON, C1, D1, D1.1, D1.2, D1.6, D2 all ON.  Everything else is set to OFF.  I have reset the module, flashed it again, confirmed options, etc several times.  No luck.  Any idea what is wrong?
asked Jan 31, 2018 in Jeep by DAVID WALTERS2 (230 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
The module is configured to start on the lock-unlock-lock sequence. If you wish to start with 3x lock turn off option D1.1.
answered Jan 31, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
selected Jan 31, 2018 by DAVID WALTERS2
Thanks!  I'll give that a try.  I notice nothing is turned on in the Communications section of the Options.  Is that correct?
The datalin protocols are for external remote starter units.  Not applicaple in this setup
FYI, I turned off D1.1 and that was the problem.  Works great now.  Duh.  Thanks for your help.

(Maybe I couldn't find it, but would be great if there was a guide to the Options and what they all mean and do.....)
Click the help icon in the flash link program, then click on the user guide file. in that read me it lists the descrption of the options.