Questions & Answers

Evo-All does not disarm aftermarket alarm with proximity remote

0 votes
Evo-all with encore E9 remote starter on 2017 Kia Optima PTS.  Im using GUIDE # 58751 and just like guide said i eneibled C1, D6 and i turned 2nd protocol option for idatalink remotestart ON. What problem i have with this set up that when i use OEM key or proximity remote it does not disarm aftermarket alarm witch makes it alarm to sound but guide clearly says that it should work with option C1 enebled.  Everything else seems working fine.  What could be a problem?

asked Jan 29, 2018 in Kia by G PS (220 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
When you use the proximity feature to unlock the car does the blue led on the evo do anything?


Also if you unlock it with the OEM remote does it disarm the encore piece?
answered Jan 30, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)
0 votes
Is the blue led flashing on the evo? it will flash once per lock press, twice per unlock. This is your indicator that lock/unlock is read and sent to the starter.

What is the evo service number?
answered Jan 30, 2018 by Robert T (303,700 points)
I don't have acces to that car anymore so I can not check service number nor led lights flashing patern. I will reply with more details as soon as I get hold of a car.
