Questions & Answers

2013 Ford Focus 1 key programming

0 votes
Installed Evo-All standalone in 2013 Ford Focus standard key with center console lock button using guide #32051. Only have 1 key so using the Flash Link updater. going thru steps 1 thru 4 fine until I put the key in the ignition and the yellow lights up right away, even before turning the key. Thus, if I continue through the steps I never get the blue LED in step 7 and the yellow LED stays on until I completely remove the key from the ignition.

Do I need to connect the updater to the Evo-All after it's installed, prior to completing the Dcryptor programming procedure? I'm not finding any guide/instruction.
asked Jan 11, 2018 in Ford by Jason Olson (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It is normal for the yellow led to stay on when the key is inserted.

If the blue led doesn't flash the can high and can low wires are not connected properly.
answered Jan 11, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Great! That was it, the wires weren't getting a proper connection. I have it working/starting now, however when I start it (push lock 3 times) the doors unlock when it starts instead of staying locked. Thoughts?