Questions & Answers

RF642W engine kill and unlock sequence

0 votes
how do i program the unlock button to only unlock driver door with one click and all other doors with 2 clicks?

How can I kill the engine if I remote started it and want to cancel?

2017 toyota tundra 1794 edition


asked Jan 8, 2018 in Toyota by max fuller (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What you want is Driver priority unlock, it's an option in the bypass of your EVOONE.

To shutdown you hit once aux [-] and after the start button
answered Jan 9, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
The evo one is set as driver priority when i use my oem Remote with evo one but when i use the RF remote it is not. Is there an rf remote setting? Thanks!
No there no settings, unfortunately on some vehicle this feature is not available.