Questions & Answers

2012 Liberty Security Light on remote start

0 votes
I recently installed a EVO-ALL and CHRT5 T Harness into my dads 2012 Jeep Liberty as a stand alone unit. Whenever I remote start it everything works as it should however the red securtiy light on the dash blinks and will not go away unless I shut the Jeep off and restart it with the Key. I have turned on the option to unlock start then lock again after start which hasnt changed anything. I also tried remote starting it and putting the key in the ignition as soon as i hit the lock 3x's and the light goes out as it should. I'm sure it has something to do with the chipped key. I have updated to the latest non beta firmare as well. I've double and triple checked the programming and dont see anything out of place. Any clue how to correct this issue? Not exactly a huge ordel since everything is working properly but the blinking red light on the dash is a bit annoying. Thanks in advance!
asked Dec 23, 2017 in Jeep by Gene Wells Jr (130 points)

1 Answer

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Make sure you have connected the green/red from the 20 pin connector of the module, to the purple wire sticking out of the t-harness.
answered Dec 23, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Yes, i did this before installing and testing the unit but still have the same issue.
Can you try disconnecting this wire ? Maybe your vehicle is like a Wrangler.
So what was the result or is the problem unresolved? I am having the same issue on my 2012 Liberty.