Questions & Answers

Can Wire Locations

0 votes
I am working on installing an evo all as a stand alone alarm only on a 2011 kia soul pts by question is what are can 1 and 2?  The fortin guide show can 1 at the obd plug and can 2 behind the cluster but shows can 1 behind the cluster and can 2 at the obd!  which one would be correct?
asked Oct 9, 2017 in Kia by Billy Reed (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The EVOALL installation guide is correct.

Thanks for pointing that mistake, it will be fixed.
answered Oct 9, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
But the wires themselves is correct? right now I have tapped a green and a orange on the smart key module, would they be my can bus 2 wires?
You should connect the can wires at the place shown in the install guide (behind cluster) If you connect them somewhere else that has not been tested it might not work.

CAN2 are at obd

CAN1 is behind cluster
My issue is that my cluster does not have that plug (2013 cluster has that plug, 2011-12 has three smaller plugs)!   my service manual has a can high and low within the middle plug should I use those wires?
Leave the wire at bcm and try to program.