Questions & Answers

Driver Door sensor malfunction when EVO-ALL plugged in

0 votes
I installed the Evo-all successfuly and it worked well for 1 week. Now, the lights on the box do not turn on at all and the car tells me that the driver door is open when it is actually closed. This is problematic because it keeps the interior lights on. If I unplug the "A" connector (the largest of all the connectors), the car will start like it does from the factory and the car no longer tells me that the driver door is open. Of course, the remote starter does not work with the A connector disconnnected.


Is my unit faulty?
asked Sep 6, 2017 in Infiniti by Frank Ferlisi (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Sounds like the unit does not have ground, are you using a tharness ?
answered Sep 6, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Yes, I am usng the T harness.

I was able to flash an older firmware onto the device with the data link. The lights on the datalonk all worked and the red light on the black box turned on and then flashed once completed. I'm not sure if that is helpful.


Is there a way to do a factory reset using the T harness or by using the datalink? I found some instructions explaining how to do this without a T harness but they dont seem to apply to me.
If you disconnect the Pink/Black wire temporarily, does everything work properly?
Thanks for the replies Mathieu and Rico.


I was able to disconnect the pink/black wire today. When disconnected, the door-open signal does not appear. The car will start when I have the key and press the push-to-start button. The remote starter does not work with this wire disconnected (It also does not work with the wire connected, disconnecting only seems to solve the door issue). Even with the pink/black wire disconnected, none of the lights on the black box turn on.


I did a factory reset with my datalink in remote starter mode and all of the lights on the black box light up during the process. I then reprogrammed all of my settings onto the device.


Any thoughts on what I can try next? What would cause my T harness to lose its ground/power supply? Could it be a fuse? Everything else in the car seems to work properly.

"Sounds like the unit does not have ground, are you using a tharness ?" as mathieu said....

sounds like it is missing the ground and using your door trigger wire when connected to find one....

I am using a t harness.

Is there someplace I should start? Do you think a blown fuse could affect the ground? I thought the ground and power supply were part of the T harness.
The ground is done by the t-harness at the OBD2 connector.
Verified pin fitment and the connector is fully seated.
The black wire at pin 5 is the ground.
Side note pin 4 and 5 is always ground on the OBD2 plug.
Also at the black 4 pin connector of the evo is ground as well.