Questions & Answers

Which T-Harness for 2008 Tundra?

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On this site, it says a T-Harness is available for the 2008, but when you look at the Supported Vehicle list for THAR-ONE-TOY2, it's from 2010+.   So which T-Harness is it for 2008 Tundras?


asked Apr 22, 2017 in Toyota by Rooted Nookie (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Could you please email me a photo of your vehicle's ignition switch connector, the back view where we can see the wires going into the connector and also a clear image of the front part so I can confirm that the Toy2 will fit your vehicle. Please send email with photos to in the subject line just type in toy2 compatibitly with 2009 tundra


Thank you,
answered Apr 24, 2017 by J M (64,120 points)
I am trying to plan the installation with the correct parts, and don't have access to the vehicle to ignition switch connector to take the requested image for you.  Is there a database where Fortin has access to confirm the ignition harness wiring configuration?
The vehicle is doable without the t-harness, all you will need to do is connect the keywires, from the research I've done, all information available at the moment points to the t-harness as being compatible, but without an image to confrim pinouts and connector style, it will be hard to say with certaintly that the toy2 will fit.

I believe the toy2 used to be listed as compatible but after an end user reported it not fitting on a pre-2010 model, it was pulled off the website.

Thank you