Questions & Answers

When does EVO-NIST1 shut off the engine?

+1 vote
I installed EVO-NIST1 kit to my Altima 2010 few days back, car starts fine with 3x lock using oem remote, however, i cannot understand when does it decide to shut the engine off. First few times it started fine and didnt shut off, last two times the following happened:

Yesterday i unlocked the doors using the door handle buttons while key is in my pocket, opened back doors to get the kids in, then the engine was shut off.

today i remote started, unlocked the driver door using door handle button and got in, key in my hand, put the key inside the door pocket, put gear lever to D, engine shut off.

when i've done the installation, i did the following:


- spliced push to start brown wire / Evo white/black wire

- installed all T harnesses as instructed

- programming as instructed

- didnt connect any other wire


Please Help,

asked Apr 4, 2017 in Nissan by Omar Ismail (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

Instead of using the proximity feature if you physically press unlock on the OEM remote does the car continue to run when doing take over?
answered Apr 4, 2017 by derek g (358,130 points)
I just tried twice:


- remote start, then unlock doors using oem remote, then open doors, engine stays on

- remote start then unlock doors using door handle, then open doors, engine shuts off

Is this behavior normal?


i searched the box and couldnt find a service number, module is installed and i need to remove steering column cover which i cannot do now.


PS thanks for the instant reply
This is normal.

The unit does not detect the door handle feature.

So when you are doing this the evo does not "see" the unlock signal from the door handle so it shuts the car down as a saftey measure.

When you press the unlock button on your remote the evo does "see" this signal and allows you to do the take over and drive away.
But the installation guide says the following:


For vehicles 2009 and more unlock the doors with either:

oem remote

remote starter remote

proximity remote


ehat is meant by proximity remote here?
OK, I see that as well, good point.

So I will need the service number to the module (which is located on the back of the evo).

Also when the car is remote started and you use the proximity feature (button on the door handle) what do the led's on the evo do?

When the car is not remote started and you use the proximity feature (button on the door handle) what do the led's on the evo do?

Was the white 4 pin male and femail connectors from the t-harness connected anywere?  including being plugged into one another?

Also for the purposes of troubleshooting do you have the flash link updater2?

I will do this in the next two days.


About the white  4 pin male and female connectors from the t-harness, guide says not connected, so i left them untouched. 

I do not have the flash link updater, i got this as preloaded and it came with the following paper

Alright once you done all the above mentioned test get back to me and let me know the reults.

Okay so here are the results:

Service # : 001A06 621027

Also when the car is remote started and you use the proximity feature (button on the door handle) what do the led's on the evo do? When its remote started , red and yellow leds are on, when i use proximity feature, blue led flashes

When the car is not remote started and you use the proximity feature (button on the door handle) what do the led's on the evo do? Blue led flashes

Was the white 4 pin male and femail connectors from the t-harness connected anywere?  including being plugged into one another? No

Also for the purposes of troubleshooting do you have the flash link updater2? No


ok so by the sounds of it the evo is indeed detecting the signals it is supposed to.

Now when you use the proximity feature with the car remote started how many times does the blue led flash?


An issue we may run into is that without the flash link updater2 we cannot make any changes to options or firmware which limits us greatly in the troubleshooting you will be able to do.
Twice i guess, i have just done something, there are 3 wires that have metal on their ends, i taped each separately to isolate them and i tried to remote start and use proximity then drive, it didnt shut off, could it be this? I will try again and report back
Absolutly possible, a connection that shorts out can cause issues. Test it and let me know.
How about the service number? Is it fine?
The firmware is correct for your vehicle, I cannot see the options as they were enabled offline.
So after few days of usage, the car still shut down sometimes, i noticed the following though:


- if key is in my pocket, engine doesnt shut off

- if i put key on passenger seat or diver door pocket, engine is shut off


is it that the key needs to be very close to the Evo? I am not even sure of the above, but it happened thrice and it was as mentioned above

The Evo needs to detect that the vehicle is unlocked by either:

1 The Oem remote (pressing unlock)

2. Aftermarket RF kit remote (remotestarter or RF kit)

3. Or by proximitiy remote (on supported vehicles only, by pressing on the button on the door handle)

If by any chance the Evo does not detect an unlock properly as described above then it will shut down the vehicle.
