Questions & Answers

Data-link SANS connector

0 votes
Im not using a RF-KIT, so In the guide 32791 page 5 it shows the Data-link connector B3 and B4 is cut and ran to a +12V and to ground.  Is this suppose to be done if RF-Kit is not used, does these wires need to be cut and stowed or cut and attached to +12v and neg.?
asked Jan 17, 2017 in Nissan by David Stewart (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
If you are not using a remote starter you cut the connector of the end of the data link cable and wire the red to 12v and black to ground.
answered Jan 17, 2017 by derek g2 (344,490 points)
0 votes
it's a bilingual guide. French and Enlgish. the word SANS is french for without.


Datalink is a communication protocol between a bypass module and a remote starter/alarm. The connector itself is what supplies power to the unit (red and black wires)
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Robert T (300,950 points)