Questions & Answers

2009 ford fusion evo all thar for4 vehicle take over

0 votes
Just installed a evo all thar for4 kit on my 2009 ford fusion the install went well and the unit remote starts but will not turn off with the brake pedal and allow vehicle take over,the only way that I can turn it off is via the button press sequence used to start it.

Looking at the wiring diagram i think the only wire that I had to splice together was the 2 yellow wires unless im missing something which is entirely possible.
asked 1 week ago in Ford by tim whitcomb (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Fortin does not list stand alone for this vehicle for this very reason.


You can either turn on option D3 door open shut down or install an evo-one and hardwire brake if you want take over. Evo-all in stand alone is not supported for the 2009 fusion.


Best regards.
answered 1 week ago by derek g2 (344,470 points)