Questions & Answers

As a single install, is Bluetooth FlashLink Adapter worthwhile?

+1 vote

I purchased the Fortin EVO-ALL module to bypass my 2005 Ford Focus PATS system for remote starting my car through my Viper 5706v alarm/rs kit. It works flawlessly once I figured out my issue for decryptor. I can probably provide some updated/more clear diagrams for Fortin to offer for my vehicle, too. But all that aside...

I used the USB FlashLink Update module to set up my EVO-ALL. I'm not sure if maintenance is recommended every so often to keep the firmware updated. If so, I would assume it's worth it to upgrade to the Bluetooth FlashLink device. I honestly want to ditch my Viper system out of disgust for DEI and have been looking at alternate systems. I don't remember but I might need to update the EVO-ALL firmware if I change to something that isn't the DEI D2D data bus. I was considering the Compustar T13 two-way system with LTE. I am not sure if Fortin actually provides a sufficient option for my older vehicle. I haven't looked in months, but I think it was only partially compatible with EVO-ONE. These are all reasons to consider the Bluetooth module, though I have no issue taking my laptop to my car and running FlashLink Update while plugged into the EVO-ALL without messing with my install. Aside from ditching the laptop for an android app, is there any other benefit to the Bluetooth module? Thanks.
asked Dec 7, 2023 in Bypass by MICHAEL FOGASSY (270 points)
reopened Dec 8, 2023 by MICHAEL FOGASSY

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

The flash Link mobile is really designed for technicians that install systems non stop all day everyday. 


On the 2005 Focus, all the EVO-ALL does is the immobilizer bypass. Wether you are in datalink or not at that point, it really does not matter since the only extra connection that would be needed is the (-)ground-while-running wire which is wired anyway. There is really no reason to even bother with datalink for this vehicle. 


 I don't remember but I might need to update the EVO-ALL firmware if I change to something that isn't the DEI D2D data bus.

Theres is no need to update your evo-all if changing the RS brain. The only change that would be needed is to change the datalink protocol if using datalink, but as mentionned above, not really worth it for this setup.  Also keep in mind, once the evo-all is programmed to car, it will not lose programming. You would be able to simply change the RS brain to whatever you want without have to do anything to the evo aside from making sure the (-)ground-while-running is connected. 

 I'm not sure if maintenance is recommended every so often to keep the firmware updated.

No, once it is installed and functional, there is no reason to go back in there and reprogram the EVO unless new keys get added to the car


I am not sure if Fortin actually provides a sufficient option for my older vehicle. I haven't looked in months, but I think it was only partially compatible with EVO-ONE.

EVO-ONE-LTE (you can add remotes like the 9series later on) or EVO-ONE-942 (you can add evo-start-lte on)

answered Dec 7, 2023 by Robert T (303,700 points)
selected Dec 8, 2023 by MICHAEL FOGASSY