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2011 Toyota Camry remote starter engine cranks but won't start.

0 votes
Hi guys, my again over here, almost winter and ppl locking for install remote starter in they cars. I am trying to install an EVO ONE with a k411 RF module in a 2011 Toyota Camry but it does not send the start pulse. This has happened to me on two 2011 Toyota Camrys, exactly the same problem. It is not a type G key, it is a standard key. I am using the same guide: I used the same installation wiring and the same programming on both cars, but the result was the same, the car does not receive the start pulse.

I have already seen that someone on the forum had a similar problem and they did not give a concrete solution: -start

Here I share the video with the problem and the data of the car and the EVO ONE module to see if you can help me:

Module: EVO ONE S/N: 002B04339802

Car VIN: 4T1BF3EK6BU678116

Thank you very much for advance.
asked Oct 22, 2023 in Toyota by Munito (1,500 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Please enable option 2.4 and re test.

Best regards.
answered Oct 23, 2023 by derek g2 (344,490 points)
Derek, thanks you so much. Whoever, you are the best. Kind regards!