Questions & Answers

Do I need a to update my new EVO-ONE ..

0 votes
I just purchased an EVO-ONE for my Kia Sedona 2014 (S/N: 002B04246972) and doesn’t have a bar code stamped on the back label just a Qcode and a "Secure Update" label.


Do I still need to use the "Flash-Link Updater" to update or reprogrammed my module? If yes, is my module compatible with”Flash-Link updater"?

BTW, I got my EVO-ONE from


Many Thanks,
asked Jan 20, 2022 in Kia by Mohammad Mosa (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
the module needs to be flashed for a specific car before in use. you need to check with if its flashed, if not you need the flashlink updater and a computer to flash the Evo one and then proceed with the guide.
answered Jan 21, 2022 by Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
0 votes
The module has already been flashed for the vehicle. Probably done by your reseller. You do not need to re flash it.
answered Jan 21, 2022 by derek g2 (344,470 points)