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2019 Subaru Outback remote starts but pops trunk continuously when not running till vehicle battery dies.

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2019 Subaru Outback standard Key installed EVO One with sub1 and sub3 T-harness and RF kit.  Will not remote start when rf kit is plugged in.  Will remote start when it's unplugged but when vehicle is not in operation the hatch keeps unlocking causing vehicle battery drain and ultimately a dead battery overnight.  The serial number for my unit is SN: 002B04 192340

Someone please help.  I spent a good amount of money on this thing for it to not work.
asked Jan 4, 2022 in Subaru by Robert Phipps (190 points)
edited Jan 10, 2022 by Robert Phipps

1 Answer

0 votes
I cannot say I have ever heard of this.


First thing I would suggest is to inspect your work, meaning the harness, its routing, all the pins on both sides of each connector. Make sure you havent pinched osmething or bent or pushed a pin.


If everything appears to be ok, It almost sounds like your module has a bad ground or has been damaged with the behaviour you are describing. Like its searching for a ground and finding it through the trunk circuit of the vehicle hence why it pops all the time.


I would recommend performing a voltage drop check on your ground connection you made to see what you are getting.
answered Jan 10, 2022 by derek g (357,480 points)
I can confirm that my work is sound and all connectors are in good shape and properly connected and wired.  It only pops the trunk when the vehicle is unlocked.  Once I lock the vehicle it quits trying to pop the trunk.  I am not sure how to do a voltage drop test on my ground.  What should I see for a good or bad voltage drop?
Also what I have noticed is that the security light flashes when the vehicle is not running.  I also noticed that every time the light flashes is when the trunk gets popped.  Once remote started or started normally the light quits flashing.  If I unplug the mogule the security light also quits flashing and the vehicle will run and function as normal as long as I at least leave the ignition connector plugged into the module.  I've also read that there may be different install instructions for United states vehicles vs Canadian vehicles.  Mine is a United states vehicle.  I read something about the difference being cutting or not cutting the bridged wire between the yellow/green and the yellow/red wire for the immobilizer control unit.
Thank you for the information provided.


At this point I would suggest calling into our tech support departmenet so we can go over the install and programming with you live on the spot as I have no further suggestions to put in the forum.


Please ensure to have the vehicle, module and updater on hand. A multi meter may also be required for teesting purposes.




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