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What connection did I miss? 2009 Jeep Compass

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2009 Jeep Compass automatic. Kit is EVO-CHRT5 with a built in T-Harness and a EVO-ALL

Install is complete and programming procedure completes correctly at each step. No extra sensors- no hood switch or valet switch yet.

But there is no start with the remote. Vehicle starts normally with the key in the ignition.

I received a code in the box for wiring color setup and had to choose from about 8 guides. The displayed numbers mean nothing as the numbers at the top of the pages when printed show something different. I am using Guide 63651.

Besides the T-connections, I also connected the two yellow wires together. No other wires were connected and I am not sure what to do with the purple wire #18 as the drawing says it goes to the kick panel at item 3. What is it wired to?

A troubleshooting guide says to check for power at yellow/red and yellow/blue. I get nothing when trying to start.

New: I found a comment on a youtube video about hooking the green/red wire to the purple wire in the T-harness. That does not make any difference for me. Still no attempt by the car to turn on or to crank. Of course the horn honks and the doors lock each time I hit the lock button.
asked Jan 1, 2022 in Jeep by Dave Casselman (130 points)
edited Jan 2, 2022 by Dave Casselman

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N number on the back of the module?


Correct, ensure yellow to yellow on t-harness and green/red to purple on t-harness. Page 3 :
answered Jan 3, 2022 by derek g (357,480 points)
Thanks. Yes I had those wired eventually. That is the diagram I eventually used as it matched everything.

Was going to send a photo ofthe  box but says it can't find server.

SN 001A06 860871

Hardware Vr. 6 Firmware Vr. 74.22 Date 10/2018

Here is a picture I think.

The options for 3x lock do not appear to be on.


Do you have access to a flash link updater? If yes you will need to enable options C1 & D1 inside the evo.


If you do not have one I would suggest contacting your reseller/pointofpurhcase.
Thanks for the help. No I don't have access to a flash updater. Frustrating because it was supposed to be plug and play for that specific vehicle.

Even an updater would make no difference now as the vehicle left 30 hours ago for the Yukon. My son will have to spend the winter up there without a remote starter. Kind of ruined my Christmas gift to him.