Questions & Answers

Evo-all and compustar rf remotes

0 votes
Hi i bought a evo-all and a compustar 4900s and after trying to install the compustar system to the evo-all and had no luck, I decided to to see if I could just use the remote and antenna with the evo-all rather then the compustar remote start. And if its possible to just add the antenna and remotes to the evo. How would one go about doing that?
asked Sep 19, 2021 in Nissan by Aaron Melanson (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
That will not work.


Those remotes are designed only to work with that starter.


Best Regards.
answered Sep 20, 2021 by derek g (357,480 points)
0 votes
I dont mean to be rude nor hijacking. I been using both fortin and Idatalink on many of my pass vehicle. I recently found out Fortin is no longer supporting Compustar RF kits. I do love the simplicity of Fortin evo-all ans EvoOne, however Fortin does not have LCD Scren remote ATM (20220111). the reason I kept going back to Compustar is because of their 2 way LCD RF kit. I understand you can add Fortin Cellular hoever the coverage is only exist on eastern canada.

I respond to you question, If i was you, I would use Compustar Blade all for bypassing. it's one system, one manufacture better tech support (instead of compu point finger at fortin bypass vise versa).


Only my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt.
answered Jan 11, 2022 by David Nguyen3 (260 points)
it's not all about fortin supporting Compustar or X or Y or Z. It needs to also be looked at as why do Compustar rf-kits not support Fortin.


If you are currently having issues programming a compu replacement remote to an EVO-ONE, make sure the system is disarmed. It will not allow programming if it is in an armed state. You will know if it is armed if the 4th red led on the back is flashing slowly.

To disarm it, either press unlock on a funcitonal remote or put the unit in and out of valet.
@Robert T,


Totally agree with your comment regarding other RF kit manufacture not supporting fortin.

Regrading disarm evo-one, I followed your instruction and it work flawlessly. Don't Get me wrong Fortin TECH Support is SUPERB. one of the main reason Fortin is alway my 1st choice when i am installing into all " new to me" any vehicle. I just wish Fortin will look into making LCD Remote RF kits.

I am not comparing wealther Fortin or compustar is better and who support who. I am suggesting to stick with one system for simplicity.
@David N,

I'm currently trying to program a Compustar LCD remote to my EVO-ONE and finding any reliable instructions is almost nonexistent.  What set of programming steps did you follow, do you use the ones used to program a Fortin remote, or do you have to use the instructions for a Compustar remote?  if you use the ones for a compustar will the EVO recognize them?  i can't get a response anywhere else so you might be my last hope.

