Questions & Answers

2013 Civic MT, automatic unlock/lock cycle

0 votes
After installing EVO ONE + EVO START 2, every time I:

 - put the car in ready mode, leave the car, lock it, then the car unlocks and locks back then engine off

 - remote start the car, first the car unlocks/locks then the engine starts

 - remote stop the engine, the car unlocks/locks first, then engine turns off.

Why is this unlocking/locking cycle happens? Is it normal?
posté Oct 25, 2020 dans la catégorie Honda par Paul Poenaru (240 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
Yes this is all normal behavior, the unlocking before starting is to disarm the vehicle factory alarm, the relocking after engine shut off i to rearm the vehicle alarm.

The car unlocks by itself when shutting down the engine so it relocks after the engine shutdown.
répondu Oct 25, 2020 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
élue Oct 26, 2020 par Robert T