Questions & Answers

How to reprogram FTX64 buttons?

0 votes
How do you reprogram the FTX64 remote buttons? The lock button unlocks the car and the unlock button locks the car
posté Oct 29, 2019 dans la catégorie FAQ par glee (230 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
What is the vehicle? Sounds like door lock wires are backwards.
répondu Oct 29, 2019 par derek g (357,480 points)
élue Oct 31, 2019 par derek g
This is for an infiniti m56 w/ EVO-NIST1.  I'm pretty sure I have A4 & A5 wired correctly.  It works fine with the stock remote, lock-lock-lock-start.  Do you suggest swapping the A4 & A5 connections?  Would that affect anything else?
Yes swap them around. No it won't affect anything else.
You are 100% correct.  Thank you.