Questions & Answers

07 Tacoma with evo one rf remote compatibility.

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I installed the Evo one using the instructions. When I was done programming and I removed the key from the ignition. The red light disappears and then no lights will reappear again. I have tried to re program and have checked every wire 5 times. The truck does not attempt to start when the button sequence completed, it acts normal. I am unsure what to do at this point. I posted this comment and your team pointed me in the direction of purchasing an rd remote. My new question is will this remote of amazon work or am I required to purchase one of your remotes off your website.
posté Sept 18, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par Colin McCreary (240 points)

1 Réponse

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Those remotes have not been tested so I do not know if they will work. 


All supported RF kits can be found here:


3rd drop down on the right allows you to pick other manufactureurs. 

répondu Sept 18, 2019 par derek g (357,480 points)
élue Sept 19, 2019 par derek g
Is there any way u could contact compustar and let me know?
That model won't work I have tried it in the past
For EVO ONE - Where is this drop down menu that allows to pick other Manufactures?
I could not find hence asking.,