Questions & Answers

Nissan micra wiring for EVO ALL

0 votes


I own a Nissan Micra model 2018

The dealer said my model is supported and so as the guide (2015-2018)

I can't figure out the wiring for my Micra from the guide in order to make a proper wiring .

The case is that my micra is a k14 (mk5) and the latest guide I can find doesn't seem to support the k14 model but it seems to refer to the k13 which production stopped at 2017

Is there  anything we can do about it ? a little help would be much appreciated

posté Fev 7, 2019 dans la catégorie Nissan par TIM PAPAHARISIS (130 points)
modifié Fev 7, 2019 par TIM PAPAHARISIS

1 Réponse

0 votes
Are you located in North America ? Over here, where the EVOALL was tested, Micra have not change from 2015 to 2018.
répondu Fev 8, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I am located in Europe / Greece and I bought the module from Latvia .