Questions & Answers

Cannot program module with ground (A8 dark blue) connected to ground.

0 votes
I can program the module successfully when the dark blue (A8) is NOT connected to ground, but remote start does not work, no lights.

When I connect the dark blue (A8) to ground, the module will not program.

What is the problem?
posté Jan 19, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Fred OConnor (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
A8 should not be connected to ground for programming.... what are you trying to do ? What product in what vehicle ? What is the service number on the module.
répondu Jan 21, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
The service number is: 001A06 856795
I'm going by Step #5 in Troubleshooting Guide #34451: 2 Key Programming>> Module programmed correctly=Yes>> Vehicle does not remote start>> Red led illuminates=No>> Verify the ground...
Gude #34451 was my best guess since the module is labeled Evo-All and the package is labeled Evo-Fort1.
Step #5 seems to be saying that the dark blue A8 needs to be grounded in this scenario.

When I press Lock 3X the blue light flashes each time but nothing else happens.