Questions & Answers

What is correct procedure to flash previously programmed Evo One to another vehicle?

0 votes
I incorrectly ordered a preprogrammed 2010-17 G-Key Toyota Tundra Evo One. I found that I have a standard key 2010 Tundra.

what is correct procedure to flash to the EVO one to standard key tundra (It has not yet been installed in vehicle)?
posté Juil 21, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par len estevez (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
If you have a flash link programmer you can connect it to the computer with your evo one and select the year make and model and flash what ever firmware is recommend on the install guide.
répondu Juil 22, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)
0 votes
Standard key and Gkey tundra use the same software, no need to reflash the module just follow the standard key install diagram.
répondu Juil 23, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)