Questions & Answers

I want to hook up the parking lights but have a wiring question

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2013 Ford Edge

I have an EVO All with the y connector installed. I hooked up the Y connector and the CAN wires and made the interconnecting connections. Programmed Great and works well, thank you! However I would like a visual indication that the car started. I can see the parking lights bling as I hit the lock button, however I would like if the parking lights came on when the car is running on Remote Start. I see the connection from the EVO ALL- A14 pin is marked - and is not shown to go to the BCM Dash connector, rather it is shown to come from Remote starter  RS4out. This pin is marked +. Do I need another module, remote starter or can I use A14 from EVO ALL? I am worried that the EVO ALL pulls to ground on light on, and the Yellow/Blue wire on BCM connector needs positive voltage to light lights. Not sure if this is the case. What is the best way to have the parking lights come on on engine running on remote start?
posté Jan 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Bill Elovski Elovski (130 points)

1 Réponse

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The correct guide for your vehicle is this one :

It shows A14 wire, going to a relay to change the polarity from - to +
répondu Jan 16, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)