Questions & Answers

07 ES350 Wont Program - light stays solid red after final step

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Installing an EVO One on an 07 Lexus ES350 per the regular installation with takeover instructions.  I have all of the wires installed correctly with good taped up connections.  However, when I go to program in the final step, the light blinks red (appears to be about 15 times and not 10), then stays solid red.  I have checked the ignition connection several times and it is solid.  Prior to installing this model, I had an EVO All installed with this same ignition wire and it was working fine.  The only reason I wanted to swap models was for the take-over capability.  Any ideas?
posté Dec 20, 2017 dans la catégorie Lexus par Marquie Board (580 points)

2 Réponses

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I was not able to get this working per instructions #57231, had to rollback to #19101.
répondu Jan 3, 2018 par Marquie Board (580 points)


Can you help me understand what products i need for a 08 ES 350 to get the 3x lick button start working?


the staff here told me i need evo-all and updater

is this correct

how long it takes to do install on your car?


0 votes
This is a small issue that was introduced in the newer versions. When the led stay on RED, simply disconnect and reconnect the module.

It will be fixed in a upcoming version.
répondu Dec 20, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Does this mean that it is programmed? If so, shouldn't I be able to start it with the 3 door lock presses?
Any additonal Ideas?

You will need to start your own thread and provide your module's service number so we can see how the module is set up.


Thank you,