Questions & Answers

2013 Camaro Programming - Yellow not flashing

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I'm trying to program my EVO-GMT1 on a 2013 Camaro. I'm stuck where the manual says "The YELLOW LED will flash rapidly ten (10x) times.". That doesn't happen.

In the troubleshooting it reads "If when you turn the key back on and the Red and Yellow led's just stay solid this means that their is a connection issue with the IMMO power. Verify that you are on the correct wire and also ensure that you have connected the Red/Blue wire vehicle side of the cut."

but the manual doesn't say anything about a "Red/Blue wire".
posté Oct 13, 2017 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Chris Schramm (130 points)

1 Réponse

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SInce you are using a tharness, the red/blue wire is already in the t-harness.

If the yellow led does not flash, your vehicle is probably locked from key programming.

Follow the Program.2 procedure with DCryptor, a flashlink updater 2 is required.
répondu Oct 14, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)