Questions & Answers

Evo One works and starts vehicle - is it normal to kill engine when brake pressed?

0 votes
2015 Kia Optima + Evo One installed and working.  My question is this:  Is it normal for the engine to die with brake pedal push?  It doesn't seem to make sense that I have to restart the car everytime I enter and need to put the car in gear to move.

I must be missing something here??

fermer avec la note: Answered.
posté Sept 20, 2017 dans la catégorie Kia par John W Brown (220 points)
fermé Mar 6, 2018 par John W Brown

1 Réponse

0 votes
The takeover procedure is on page 4 of the install guide.

You must press 2 times on the start button of the vehicle before hitting the brake.
répondu Sept 20, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)