Questions & Answers

2011 Tundra Pin 190: Auto Lights Shutdown (Cut) Open this wire after remote start shutdown

+1 vote
Can you explain the procedure for this? I've installed the Evo-One with the harness and everything works great except for the auto headlights. They do NOT turn on when it's dark. I can turn them on manually and I can turn them off by switching them back to "auto".  I've also noticed that after I remote start the vehicle, I turn the key to the "on" position and then step on the brake, my navigation screen switches from day-mode to night-mode and back to day-mode. (light switch is set to "auto" position) When I turn the headlights on manually, the navigation screen responds normally and switches to night-mode.
posté Juil 30, 2017 dans la catégorie Toyota par Lars Barkmann (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The autolight wire is cut to allow the parking light to be lit during remote start. This is also the reason why your navigation is switching to night mode and back to day mode because the EVOONE will flash the parking light when the takeover procedure is completed. The autolight function will NOT be functionnel when the EVOONE is engaged, this is normal operation.

If the autolight stop working after the remote start install make sur you have connected yellow/red and yellow/green to this wire and the red connector on your EVOONE is fully inserted.

If the connections are good you should not have problems using your autolight when the EVOONE is not in function.
répondu Juil 31, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Thank you. But what does this mean "open this wire after remote start shutdown"? It reads as if I should install everything, remote start the vehicle, shut it down and then cut the wire.
The two wires from the module are from a relay that can open and close the wire. The wire will open when you remote start, and will close after shutdown or takeover.
OK - then at this point, I need additional help because everything is installed correctly and the vehicle does not sense that it is dark. Auto lights do not come on. Do I need to do some additional programming such as remote start while sitting inside of the vehicle and flip the light switch to "auto" and then step on the brake to shut down vehicle? (Similar to the memory setting for the steering wheel?) If I put the park and auto lights back to original (not use them at all) will the Evo still remote start?

When starting the vehicle with the key, do the autolight work ?

Yes the vehicle will still remote start if you do not connect the parking light and autolight wires. The only down side is if you stop the truck with the remote or the runtime expire, the autolight will stay on forever.

The auto lights do not work no matter how I start vehicle. Your remark "the autolight will stay on forever"....only when it's dark, right? The auto lights would not come on during the day anyways, right? I don't need to remote start the vehicle at night. I live in Phoenix so when the sun goes down, the car does not need to be cooled.
Put back the yellow/green and yellow/red and see if your autolight work now. Make sure you have not used yellow/blue which can be mistaken for yellow/green.