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2015 CRV with Crimestopper RS4 Remote Start w/ Keyless Entry and EVO ALL won't program

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I finally got everthing hooked up (got really bad wiring info from vendor, using EVO guide 34041, I manage to connect all none dotted lines) holding programming button, I connected the 4 wire black conenctor (attached to crimestooer RS4),  I relase the button when both blue and red LED came on (1st I waited and thought it  will stop on its own with blue and red LED on but it never did, it just kept rotating) connected rest of the wires,  I press the programming button 3X and nothing happens, I tried many times and same. The module and remote start supposedly came pre-programmed and paired, I am not sure if it was done right because they sent me a diagram for none push start, also, just for the hack of it, I tried the programming for the "key" version and it went through (obviously it will not work because mine is push start), i went back to all the wiring and all are good (all soldered). please help.

I also connected door lock wire to EVO-ALL but guide shows is for SE modle only, since it did not work, I cut off the wires for now, is it needed? it is also hooked up to CS-RS4
posté Oct 29, 2015 dans la catégorie Honda par alex chou (250 points)

1 Réponse

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Your module is showing firmware 4.18 and the Guide shows you need firmware 73.16 so your vendor didn't update the unit to the proper firmware.

Also the Decryptor process is required to complete programming so you will either need to purchase a flashlink updater 2 or find a shop that has one so that you can program the unit properly
répondu Oct 29, 2015 par Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
élue Oct 29, 2015 par Robert T
Thank you, looks like I am screwed....I will contact the vendor now.

How about the door lock wires? is it needed to be connect to the EVO-ALL?? I have the CS already connected to door lock/unlock.
The module was not fully propgrammed so I am not surprised door locks were not functioning. The EVO-ALL can control door locks on the CRV, but on the SE model we require connections only so that door locks can be controlled while the engine is running.
So, I should connected it anyway on EXL? Eventhough it is already connected to my CS remote start? sorry for all these questions and thank you for such quick reply.
You can leave it connected but will probably need to disable the door lock option in the eVO-ALL options menu.

This also means that the analog wires you connected to need to be Lock/Arm and Unlock/Disarm. NOT, lock and unlock.
I will remove the door lock wires from CS remote start and hook up to EVO-ALL which is what the vendor suggested, since I am waitng for the flash link updater, I will not be able to test it until it gets programmed.

I am not able to locate lock/arm and unlock disarm wire on this car, do you mean I should connect the crime stopper to EVO-ALL? and EVO-ALL will work using Can H/L??
The crimestoppper will send lock and unlock through datalink to the EVO. The EVO will lock or unlock through can-bus.
Thank you.