Questions & Answers

door status

+1 vote
I installed remote start to my BMW 525 2008 ,  everything is working except  door status and brake pedal

status ,  what should i do to make them work?
posté Juin 6, 2014 dans la catégorie BMW par Jay Bafaev (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Jay,


Brake status from remote starter connects to the INT-BMW2. The EVO-ALL will not supply the remote starter with brake status.  INT-BMW2 Installation Guide - Revision 20130328


Door statuss' are not required unless the vehicle is manual transmission and/or if you are installing an alarm system. We are currently aware that some older 5-series are having troubles with the door status signal. This will be resolved in the future but not anytime soon as we need more than one older 5-series for testing.

répondu Juin 6, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
If your product dont support  OLDER car like my BMW 2008   fully as in  your discription , please dont confuse people !!!     you MUST  give us right information !