Questions & Answers

Fortin Evo-ALL + Kia Sorento 2012, regular key - Help!

+1 vote


I bought Fortin EVO- All on eBay. Servi?e # 001A06 283452, hardware vr. 6 , firmware vr. 4.18.
I programmed Fortin through the blue LED ( without connection to DATA).
Programming is carried out , but when the ignition blue LED stops flashing once. Then I connected the blue wire (GWR) to earth ( -) , but the blue LED lights up half a second , then goes off and red LED lights, inside the relay clicks . The module does not work.
Then I plugged the data wire . I tried to program Fortin via yellow LED . Programming does not work at all - when the ignition ( second step ) yellow LED lights up and nothing happens .
In the correct connection of the module I'm sure.
I performed a master reset - this has not produced results .
I stopped . Help me, please .
posté Mar 25, 2014 dans la catégorie Kia par Vyacheslav Retinskiy (140 points)
modifié Mar 26, 2014 par Robert T

1 Réponse

0 votes


The (-)GWR is not supposed to be connected to the vehicles ground wire. This wire is intended to connect to the remote starter (-)ground-when-running wire. The remote starter gives a negative signal when you activate it through the (-)GwR connection. This is when the EVO knows when to activate.
répondu Mar 25, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
  • Blue/Orange
  • Blue/Black
  • Blue

Those are the colors most popular for Kia. What you described seems to be ok. 

Here is a picture of what it look like on the North American version. I do not have information on non north American vehicles.






The RED LED is flashing once every second because the light blue and light blue/black wires are reversed.

Robert, hello. 
   I ask you to look at the results of my recent experiments: # message5251 
If you want, I can translate into English. 
  Alas, my result is still negative ...
Problem solved!
I found malfunction in my Fortin. Broke down item in the chain connecting wire DATA. Failure occurred because of the inconsistency of instruction ( and wiring diagram of my car.
After replacing the defective part everything works fine!
good job!