Questions & Answers

Cadillac Deville says theft attempted when remote start is attempted

+1 vote
02 cadillac deville, when remote start is attempted the security light stays on and the DIC eventually says theft attempted. my evo-all module has firmware 4.06 and i connected the relay connector to the passlock module white wire w/ no improvement. yellow wire is on ignition wire. dark blue is - while running from remote start module. and my purple/yellow wire is on the class II at obd connector. the trunk pop and door lock are working correctly which are wired through the data. any ideas?
posté Fev 15, 2014 dans la catégorie Cadillac par jake Sproat (220 points)
modifié Fev 15, 2014 par jake Sproat

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Jake,


If you look at connection 4 in the installation guide, there is a connection you need to make at the the Passkey module when the security stays on as you mentionned.
répondu Fev 17, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)