Questions & Answers

What do I need to let the EVO-RS9 on 21 Challenger 6-speed manual acknowledge a pressed clutch pedal for remote start?

0 votes
Everything sets and works fine.  I can stay in the car  and activate the remote start, it will go through all the steps twice, but no start.  If I stay in the car and do the same steps, the car will start as soon as I press on the clutch pedal.
posté Fev 10, 2024 dans la catégorie Dodge par Brett Blackmer (130 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Sounds like the clutch bypass was not done. The guides published by Fortin are for automatic transmission only.

Normally you follow the automatic guide online then you would need to test the clutch circuit to see how it reacts and what polairty it is, then you would connect to it with the appropriate wire from the evo-one.

Best regards.
répondu Fev 12, 2024 par derek g (357,480 points)