Questions & Answers

2022 Subaru WRX, Manual Transmission, Evo-One, THAR-SUB4, RFK3641, Ready-mode not activating

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Car = 2022 Subaru WRX, Manual Transmission, Push-to-start

I have programmed, decrypted, and installed an EVO-One using the THAR-SUB4 Harness and an RFK3641 rf kit.  When I try to enable the ready mode, the car is not remote starting.  I have been following the procedure to activate:

Car is running, put in neutral, press foot brake, pull hand brake, release foot brake, here is where it gets weird.  According to the instructions I should now press and hold the start button for 3 seconds, but before I get a chance to do that the car flashes the lights 3 times.  When I press and hold the start button for 3 seconds nothing happens.  I leave the car running, get out, the car automatically shuts off and locks the doors.  When I go to remote start it, the lights flash 3 times and nothing happens.

I have tried doing this same thing with and without holding the start button for 3 seconds before exiting.  I have also tried pushing the start button on the car before exiting (similar to "removing" the key), but the car immediately shuts off.

Looking for some assistance, thanks!
posté Dec 7, 2023 dans la catégorie Subaru par kstatus (180 points)

2 Réponses

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What is the 12 digit SN of the module?

Ready mode will depend on how option 33 is setup in the EVO-ONE.

1. foot brake pressed
2. engage ebrake
3. release foot brake


1. engage ebrake
2. engage the remote starter


Once ready mode is engaged, you would step out of the car without pressing the PTS button.
Once doors are closed, the car would shut down on door close or on lock press (depending how it is setup in option 33.3).
répondu Dec 7, 2023 par Robert T (303,700 points)
Serial: 002B04 200737, Looks like it is set to 33.2 which should be foot brake and hand brake.
One other thing I noticed.  When I press and hold the start on the RF remote, it does successfully unlock and the red and yellow lights are on the EVO-one.  It seems like it is making an attempt at starting, but perhaps it is not overriding the clutch lock out?
Okay, even more confused. The car is going into ready mode correctly.  I was able to start the car by bypassing the clutch switch (had a screw wedged to keep the contact closed) and the car started.

Based on that, I assumed maybe I needed to wire the Blue and White wire to the clutch switch.  Figured out which side was high and which side was low, wired the blue and white switch to the low side.  The car will still not start and when I attempt to remote start it, there is never any voltage on the blue and white wire (tried it disconnected).

More fiddling around and it appears the blue and white wire is already connected to the clutch switch via the T-harness.  When I press the clutch switch, the blue and white wire is +12V.  

So what is the correct way to have the clutch switch overridden by the Evo-one????
Woes continue.  Was able to get the car to go into ready mode with brake/ hand brake/ release brake and remote start with pink wire ran to blue/white wire that is labeled "Clutch".


BUT now the parking lights flash 3x anytime I release the foot brake even while driving.  They do not flash if the parking brake is engage and I push and release the foot brake.


I somehow magically was able to drive one time after remote starting/take-over and for some reason the brake did not engage the parking lights while driving?
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A little confused, the blue/white wire was labeled "clutch" coming off of the D 6-pin connector.  In the instructions it says to isolate this wire, but it appears to be the low side of the of clutch switch.  I could not get the car to start unless that low side was brought high by either holding the clutch switch closed OR applying 12V to this pin.

So the current status is... car to goes into ready mode with brake/ hand brake/ release brake and remote start with pink wire ran to blue/white wire that is labeled "Clutch". (tried yellow wire, it did go to 12V when attempting to remote start, but still would not start, unsure if it's because the 12V came too late after the crank attempt?) 

BUT now the parking lights flash 3x anytime I release the foot brake even while driving.  They do not flash if the parking brake is engage and I push and release the foot brake.  SOMETIMES if I remote start the car and enter the car and drive this behavior DOES NOT happen, BUT it will start to happen if ANYONE opens their door.


I somehow magically was able to drive one time after remote starting/take-over and for some reason the brake did not engage the parking lights while driving?

répondu Dec 10, 2023 par kstatus (180 points)
The lights flashing whenever you hit the brakes is due to the RS brain not seeing ignition. Is the Pink (e5) connected to the purple/yellow (a16)?
Should I connect Pink e5 to D5 and A16?
Pink E5 to Purple/Yellow (a16).  Those two wires simply connect to eachother and not to the car.
So I did that and it doesn't do the brake clicking anymore, BUT it has only sucessfully remote started one time.  Now it appears that it thinks it remote starts, all accessories are on, AC running etc. with no cranking noted.


Side note, there was no wire at A16 so I swapped A15 to A16 and wired pink E5 to it.  It also would not start unless the Blue/white wire D5 was also joined to those other two connectors.
Page 3 of the guide mentions that the white/blue from red connector must be cut and the then connected to another white/blue that is loose on the harness.
Oh wow, I interpretted that free white/blue wire as the same as the white/blue on D5.  Wired up how it is shown and discussed and now everything appears to be working.

Thank you so much!