Questions & Answers

Evo one doesn’t connect to flashlink manager 4 (lapto app) flashing red, yellow and blue

0 votes
Evo one doesn’t connect to flashlink manager 4 (lapto app) flash red, yellow and blue, stop en red and again flashing, stop en red and after that said error, contact customer support

Sn: 002B04246642
date. 12/2021
posté Juil 29, 2022 dans la catégorie Honda par Nodier Vallejo (1,030 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
For flash link connectivity problems first ensure you have downloaded the latest version of flash link (4.51) and also that your flasher is at the latest version as well (4.05)


If both of those check out try swithcing the data link cable around.
répondu Aout 1, 2022 par derek g (346,390 points)