Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE Module not responding

0 votes
Hello, I have a 2016 Kia Soul standard key. I have the EVO-ONE installed. The problem is when I try to remote start with the oem remote I am not getting any feedback at all from the bypass module. Usually the module will flash a led light. All my wires seem to be connected to the right vehicle wires and it also programmed fine when going through program option 2. Also all my settings seem to be right in the flashlink manager. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
posté Dec 6, 2021 dans la catégorie Kia par Tom Schneider (500 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
That vehicle is not 3x lock compatible. You will need an rf kit as stated on the website.
répondu Dec 7, 2021 par derek g (357,480 points)