Questions & Answers

Wire diagram and differnces

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I am installig a remote starter in a 2010 Mercury Milan.  under regular installationit reads connection 1A,B  and under key program 3 0r 2.  Can someone explain in better terms what to do.  Also it appears i only need the TX and RX hooked up.  I thought i needed the can bus high and low hooked up.  I have 2 sets of keys both start the car.  need some guidance and what connection to use and what page number to follow for proper hookup.

installing a EVO ONE remote starter firmware is 1.25 and hardware is 7.0

Bypass firmware is 71.49 and hardware is 4.0
posté Juin 4, 2021 dans la catégorie Mercury par Byron Wilhoite (220 points)

1 Réponse

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The 1A,B is refereing to the drawings below the wiring diagram, your vehicle transponder connector should resemble either connector A or B in the drawings.


Key programmins 3 or 2 is giving you the option of programming with 2 keys or following the 1 key dcryptor method, both work simnply choose one and follow it.


Yes Rx and Tx will need to be connected along with all other required connections such as ignition wires, brake wire, door lock wires, parking light wire etc.

There is no can bus in this vehicle hence why we say to activtae option 20.2 for tachless, Also we do not support 3x lock from the oem remote on this vehicle. As stated on the website you will require an RF kit.
répondu Juin 7, 2021 par derek g (357,480 points)