Questions & Answers

what's the difference between 2010 ford fusion and 2010 mercury Milan

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why is a t harness offered for ford but not mecury
posté Nov 27, 2020 dans la catégorie Mercury par jon porter (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Fortin has never tested any t-harness on the mercury milan which is why it is not listed on


I also see you submited a report due to always having the red led on and that you are already using a t-harness.....

Follow this to resolve your red led issue:
répondu Nov 27, 2020 par derek g (357,470 points)
does horn hood switch and alarm - alarm - need to be hooked up for remote start to work and if so do i need to get one amp diods for alarm wires
can not find firmware 0.99

red light not coming off with doing proceder to reset useing the lastes firware and flasher
Using your flash link updater, click "view other firmwres" and then scroll down and select 0.99. then follow the rest of the steps in the link above.
thank you found it about the horn, unlock- and arm- wires do they need to be hooked up and do i need to find one amp diodes to run in-line
They are needed if you want to control doorlocks from the RF kit you are installing.


Horn is optional.
not installing rf kit just auto start with factory key fob
if not needed car will not start with key fob changed settings with flasher to oem fob after programing all seems good but security light flashes rapidly and nothing happens after that .  yellow light on unit lights up when starting with key but will not start with fob