Questions & Answers

Unable too install drivers

0 votes
Hey trying to install the drivers for my FLLon my 2017 Honda Fit, I have updated windows tried the fortin manual driver install I was unable too locate the Flash link drivers, I recieved a new FLL from MYpushcart It cannot find the drivers anywhere?
asked Dec 17, 2019 in Honda by donnie dower (200 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Apologize for the late update, ended up calling tech support used team viewer too have assistance installing driver. Remote start is now installed and working perfectly, great support with these products thanks again!
answered Dec 20, 2019 by donnie dower (200 points)
0 votes
Drivers are in Flashlink Manager software directory Program Files\FlashLink Manager v4\drivers
answered Dec 17, 2019 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin (62,040 points)
0 votes
If you have Windows 7, make sure it is fully updated.
answered Dec 17, 2019 by Robert T (299,500 points)